The term Music Producer is becoming somewhat of a buzz word today.

Today we will dive into what a music producer is and why you need, at least in part, to be one yourself.

Music producers seem to be everywhere.

Last night I just wanted an episode of Songland. Four hopeful songwriters came into the studio and presented their songs.

Only 3 of the writers were selected to work with music producers.

After just a short writing session with each producer each song took on an entirely different tone. Some were like night and day.

Each song went from a good base to becoming a potential hit.

Lyrics were rewritten to be more consistent. To more clearly tell the true story of the song.

The music was fixed dynamically so that it fit the message of the song. For the most part, the music was scaled down quite a bit.


Think Apple and the iPhone. Used to be one button but now, even the button is gone.

Precise and to the point.

Just like the new versions of the songs.

The message was clear and the music matched.

Not only did it match but interest and quality never was sacrificed.

On the contrary, it was enhanced.

Sometimes it’s just easier with a list of things to consider when writing your songs. Here’s a list of things you should take on not only as a songwriter but also as a music producer.

5 Keys to Being a Successful Music Producer

1. Match music to the lyrics.

The lyrics should match the mood of the song. If you’re writing an anti-war song then the music shouldn’t sound like a patriotic parade.

2. Less is always more.

When writing and rewriting songs less is always better. If a song can’t stand on its own with just a piano and vocal or just a guitar and vocal then maybe you should consider rewriting it.

3. Hook me in the first 10 seconds.

If you don’t capture my attention in the first 10 seconds I’m moving on. (Said every person in this century.) Attention spans are incredibly short. You need to hook the listener quickly. In addition, you need to keep them hooked throughout the entire song.

4. Consider strengths and weaknesses.

If you’re helping produce a song, even as a songwriter, you need to consider strengths and weaknesses. Macklemore knows he’s not a singer so on his latest single he was sure to have a great singer featured.

5. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite

Masterpieces are never one-offs. Be prepared to rewrite several times until all the pieces fit together in the best possible way. You may need to write 10 songs to have 10 different interesting parts for one song.

Start with these 5 things and you’ll be on the right track.

What do you do as a music producer?

How GigFaster Can Help

Once you’ve created your awesome songs, you may need help getting it out there, and that’s where GigFaster can help.

We have a built-in network of over 6,000 venues, music promoters, and record labels. We can help you distribute your press kit and book gigs in cities all around the country.

We also have low monthly pricing, and even offer a free trial to help you get started.

Remember, if you want to succeed, never quit!


apple podcasts



Craig Kelley

About Craig Kelley

Craig helps indie artists book more gigs, promote their music and submit to record labels @ GigFaster and GigFaster University . His latest release is his 7th album, Not So Blue. His band has supported Grammy artists including Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Rick Derringer, Gary Hoey, Joan Jett, Fuel and many more. He is also the host of The 5 Minute Podcast For Musicians.

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