In our modern age, integrity is becoming a thing of the past.

The sad thing is that most people don’t even know what integrity is or why you need it.

Integrity is absolutely essential if you plan on being successful.

The truth is, if you don’t have integrity and you’re lucky enough to find some success, it’s just a matter of time before all of your hard work is undone and comes crashing down.

What Is Integrity?

Integrity comes from the word “Integer”. An integer is a whole number. There are no separate parts. It’s whole, undivided.

Oxford dictionary lists 2 definitions.

  1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

    “he is known to be a man of integrity”


    synonyms: honestyuprightnessprobityrectitudehonor, honorableness, upstandingness, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousnessmoralitynobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness, virtuedecencyfairness, scrupulousness, sinceritytruthfulnesstrustworthiness

    “I never doubted his integrity”
  2. the state of being whole and undivided.

    “upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty”


    synonyms: unityunificationwholenesscoherencecohesion, undividedness, togethernesssolidaritycoalition

    “internal racial unrest threatened the integrity of the federation”


Basically, it’s doing the same thing whether you’re alone or in public. If you have kids, would you do drugs in front of them? Then don’t do them when they’re not around.

Would you cheat or steal if you were in plain view of people? Then don’t do it when you think you won’t get caught.

In other words, live your life the same 100% of the time. Double lives never last.

Massive Success Without Integrity

Ask Bernie Madoff how lack of integrity paid off for him.

He built a billion dollar empire.

On the outside he appeared to be the ultimate success story.

Then it finally caught up with him. He confessed that it was “one big lie”.

Thousands of people lost millions of dollars. People lost their entire life savings all because one guy chose to live without integrity.

Now, he is spending the rest of his life in jail. He chose this when he decided he didn’t need to live with integrity.

Integrity as a Musician

So, how does this relate with an aspiring musician?

It’s so simple.

Use this list to live your life with integrity – on and off the stage.

  1. Be dependable. If you give your word – stand by it. Be reliable.
  2. Be honest. Tell the truth – about how many fans you have on social media, how much experience you have, who you are.
  3. Be trustworthy. This goes with telling the truth. Be real.
  4. Be predictable. Do this in a good way. Your music doesn’t have to be predictable but your actions off stage and behind close doors does.

The bottom line is this, competition is fierce in the music business. Booking agents, record label executives and even music promoters don’t have time for guessing games.

They can’t guess about you. They need to know you’re the real deal and they can count on you having integrity.

How GigFaster Can Help

With GigFaster, you get help booking gigs and promoting your music. GigFaster’s database has thousands of contacts across over one hundred music genres.

It’s easy for you to get connected with a venue or promoter.  We also have hundreds of independent record labels to submit to. Start your free trial today.

Remember, if you want to succeed, never quit!


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Craig Kelley

About Craig Kelley

Craig helps indie artists book more gigs, promote their music and submit to record labels @ GigFaster and GigFaster University . His latest release is his 7th album, Not So Blue. His band has supported Grammy artists including Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Rick Derringer, Gary Hoey, Joan Jett, Fuel and many more. He is also the host of The 5 Minute Podcast For Musicians.

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