Finding the right band members can be a serious challenge.
A lot goes into forming the perfect combination of players.
On top of playing skills there are some other major things you really need to look into when searching for band members for your dream team.
The right band members will make or break you.
It will determine if you waste your time for a bit or have something that can last and develop into something serious.
Here are some things to consider when finding the right band members for your band.
6 Keys To Finding The Right Band Members
Being able to work with others is obviously a must. Sometimes personalities clash for the best and sometimes they don’t. Can you think of a band that had a lead singer and guitarist that had issues? Of course! There are a lot. Just because personalities are polar opposites doesn’t mean that you can’t work together. Just think about it for the long haul. You may be torturing yourself for no reason.
This is a major, major item in finding the right band members. The last thing you want to have happen is to book a gig and the drummer decide he’s not going to show up. Even before the gig, not showing up to practice or even preparing for practice is a huge waste of everyone’s time. If you don’t show up for work you get fired. Hold the same rules for your band.
Playing Skills
Being able to play your instrument sounds like an obvious thing you’d look for in band members but that’s not always the case. Depending on location you may not have access to a large number of skilled musicians. If you choose to stay in a location like that then pickings will be slim. The bottom line is that you should choose the best musicians you can find that are also dependable and work with your personality.
Long Term Goals
If you’re just looking to form a cover band that plays occasionally on the weekends then you don’t need even consider long term goals. But, if you plan on making a career in music then you should definitely get everyone on board. Dedication will be much less for part-timers. They won’t want to take risks and you’ll hinder your progress.
Trying to build a band without dedicated band members will be very difficult. Find musicians that love playing and are fully dedicated to your vision. Everyone in the band doesn’t have to be clones of each other but everyone absolutely must be dedicated to doing their job 100%.
Can Wear Multiple Hats?
This isn’t necessarily a requirement but it will help you a lot. If you can find band members that are great at multiple instruments that opens up a world of possibilities. The multiple hats isn’t just limited to instruments though. Can they sing? How about run your band’s social media channels? Are they good at booking gigs? Do they have good equipment? All of these are bonuses but can be extremely helpful in the long haul.
Finding the right band members for your band doesn’t have to be rocket science but there are some key points you really need to consider if you want to set yourself up for success. Make sure your personalities work together. Find dependable, skilled musicians that have the same long-term goals as you. They absolutely must be dependable and if they can wear multiple hats that is a huge bonus.
How GigFaster Can Help
Once you’ve built your dream team band it’s time to start promoting it and booking gigs.
With GigFaster, you get help booking gigs and promoting your music. GigFaster’s database has thousands of contacts across over one hundred music genres.
It’s easy for you to get connected with a venue or promoter. We also have hundreds of independent record labels to submit to. Start your free trial today.
Remember, if you want to succeed, never quit!