Getting views for your music and videos can be tough. Mostly because the majority of people don’t know how to do it.

Chances are you already know where your fans are hanging out.

What bands do you sound similar to? Where are their fans hanging out?

That’s where your fans are too! They just don’t know that they’re your fans yet.

There are 3 types of traffic and I’ve pretty much borrowed this concept from Russell Brunson.

He’s arguably one of the best marketers on the planet right now.

I’m going to use his general concept on traffic so you can determine where it would be best for you to target.

3 Types of Traffic

1. Owned Traffic

This is the best kind of traffic to have. Owned traffic is your customers/fans. It’s your list. It’s the emails you’ve collected on your website or at gigs.

If you don’t have a mailing list then you need to start today. Use Mailchimp, or EmailOctopus or Hubspot. They pretty much all have free plans that won’t cost you anything for a while.

When you have your own list you can send emails to get direct traffic to your music/website/videos.

You can also create email campaigns.

For example, you could create a new album or song launch campaign where you send 5 warm up emails leading up to the day you drop your new song or album.

This is the best traffic you can get. It’s not cold or warm. It’s hot.

2. Earned Traffic

You can get traffic to your music or website by earning it. You earn traffic by guest posting on another blog, being a guest on a podcast, posting on social media (YouTube, Twitter, FB, etc), YouTube videos, etc.

It’s basically, you working to get the traffic. Something on your end is involved which is why it’s called “earned” traffic.

3. Paid Traffic

The last way to get traffic is by buying it. This can be costly if you’re not experienced in advertising. For most musicians, Facebook, YouTube and now Instagram are the primary platforms to get good traffic when advertising.

Facebook is the best right now. You can narrow down your audience to spend less and reach a lot more people that have a great chance of being fans. The AI (artificial intelligence) behind FB’s machine learning improves everyday, the more you use it.  I’ll dig into that deeper on the YouTube channel so be sure to subscribe over there.


Your primary goal is to turn all your traffic into “owned traffic”. In other words, you want all your fans on your list. Using Facebook to advertise, you get can target users that have a good chance of becoming fans. Turning FB fans into your owned list gets a little tricky and is a discussion we can explore in a future episode.


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Remember, if you want to succeed, never quit!


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Craig Kelley

About Craig Kelley

Craig helps indie artists book more gigs, promote their music and submit to record labels @ GigFaster and GigFaster University . His latest release is his 7th album, Not So Blue. His band has supported Grammy artists including Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Rick Derringer, Gary Hoey, Joan Jett, Fuel and many more. He is also the host of The 5 Minute Podcast For Musicians.

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